Journal — food

Bellport in Spring – Coming Soon – Wild Botanicals Spiritual Siphon Grateful Gardening

anxiety Bellport cooking Diet East End Long Island food gardening getaways Gratitude Healthy Living landscape landscaping Lifestyle Long Island Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living New York plants SelfCare Summer travel wellbeing wellness

Bellport in Spring – Coming Soon – Wild Botanicals Spiritual Siphon Grateful Gardening

Bellport, Long Island, New York, is a beautiful place to visit in the late spring. Let’s travel to Eastern Long Island when it’s green, in full bloom, and before the summer rush. My new video is coming soon, join me as I dig in the garden, gorge myself on seafood and natural wine, and stroll down memory lane.

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Re-Renewing Your Spirit: Short Version

activities anxiety Appearance beach Dehydration Diet Exercise food goals Gratitude habits Healthy Living Hydration insomnia isolation Lifestyle Love meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living nutrition Organization Relationships routines SelfCare Sleep Spiritual Transformation sunset Transformational Breakthrough weightloss wellbeing wellness

Re-Renewing Your Spirit: Short Version

I wrote a new article just for you called Re-Renewing Your Spirit, it’s about getting back on the wellness path after falling off.  Resiliency and adaptability are the two most important make or break skills to have, and I want you to have more and better tools to hone those skills.  There’s always going to be something in the external world to push us off the path towards wellness and spiritual renewal, that’s why it’s so important to focus on learning how to get yourself back on track.

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Re-starting Your Wellness Journey: Re-Renewing Your Mind, Body & Spirit - Long Form

anxiety beach Beauty california Coast Desert Apothecary Diet Exercise food habits Healthy Living Hydration insomnia isolation Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Living Nature Spiritual Transformation Transformational Breakthrough weightloss wellbeing wellness

Re-starting Your Wellness Journey: Re-Renewing Your Mind, Body & Spirit - Long Form

In March 2020, our world was irreparably changed it seems, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels blown off course from my health and wellness goals. So I wanted to share some tips, that have helped me get back on the healing path to wellness. I have been using these myself and really feeling the difference in my mindset and experience of consciousness.

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Tips For Surviving an Extreme Heat Wave – Southern California Braces For Brutal Heat Wave

california Dehydration Desert Apothecary Desert Lifestyle Desert Living food habits Healthy Living Heat Heat Stress Heat Stroke Hiking Hydration Lifestyle Summer sun safety

Tips For Surviving an Extreme Heat Wave – Southern California Braces For Brutal Heat Wave

An extreme heat wave is bearing down on Southern California and the American Southwest. With many people having moved to the desert during the last year, and this heatwave extending all the way to the pacific ocean, many more people will be affected than usual, and for the first time.

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Quarantine Activities: Fun & Productive Activities To Stay moving Forward During Lockdown

activities anxiety cleaning DeClutter Desert Living Exercise food Gratitude habits Healthy Living isolation lockdown meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Living nutrition Organization routines SelfCare wellbeing wellness

Quarantine Activities: Fun & Productive Activities To Stay moving Forward During Lockdown

Activities that are fun, productive, and keep you moving forward are essential during the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown. As hard as it is to stay home, it is the duty of everyone who is able to, to contribute to defeating the deadly virus, is to self-isolate. Here are some ideas to pass the time enjoyable and productively, not to mention having fun.

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