Re-Renewing Your Spirit: Short Version

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Desert Mountain Apothecary by William Z. Brennan - Re-Renewing Your Spirit - Spiritual Transformation -Spiritual Renewal - Mental Health - Wellness - Desert Siphon Roots Draw Botanicals Wild Sonoran Mojave Thoughtful Superstition

Re-Renewing Your Spirit:

Hi Friends, Happy Labor Day to all good-hearted, kind, and loving people in America and worldwide!  Summer is winding down, but the hot weather isn’t letting up anytime soon here in Southern California.  As the seasons are changing, this is a great time to bring your focus back to your health, wellness & mental state.  I wrote a new article just for you called Re-Renewing Your Spirit, it’s about getting back on the wellness path after falling off.

Resilience and adaptability William Z Brennan Desert Mountain Apothecary Re Renewing Your Spirit - Roots Siphon Draw Botanicals Thoughtful Superstition Mojave Sonoran

Resiliency and adaptability are the two most important make or break skills to have, and I want you to have more and better tools to hone those skills.  There’s always going to be something in the external world to push us off the path towards wellness and spiritual renewal, that’s why it’s so important to focus on learning how to get yourself back on track.


1: Start small: I’m talking really small, I’m talking micro-progress.


2: Log Out!: Get off of Social media, Take break, delete your profile, just do something.


3: Get outside: Our bodies are hard-wired to benefit from fresh air, sunshine, and exercise outdoors.


4: Exercise: Speaking of exercise, exercise makes depression and anxiety lift, but just like a shower it only lasts for one day, so make loving physical movement a part of your every day life.


5: Sleep: There is no one area of your life that you can improve to improve all the other areas of your life than focusing on getting deep, restful, restorative sleep every single night. Find out how in this article, I offer a lot of practical, very easy to execute advice on this subject because it’s so important.


6: Improve your diet: Just level up a bit from where you are, and keep improving. You don’t have to completely give up your favorite junk food, just make a slight improvement every day and build new and better nutrition habits.


7: Stay off of Dating Apps: If you have been scrolling dating apps for ten years it’s high time for a break. You can always go back on, but you’ll never be able to compare how you feel not being on them without taking a break.


8: Have Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, you are enough, you are worth it, the most important opinion in the world is the one you have of yourself. The bad people who don’t deserve kindness or compassion are never looking at articles about self improvement or spiritual renewal because they think they’re perfect and the sad truth is they will probably never change.


9: Thought Paradigm Recalibration: Adjust your expectations to today’s world not 2019.


10: Pick up a project you set aside: Return to a hobby project you started, set a timer for 20 minutes, and then see how you felt doing it. Did you enter a flow state and forget all about the timer and re-engage with a beloved activity? Or did you feel every single second and realize you’re just not into that project anymore? Either way, you have useful information, and it’s ok to say you’re not going to continue a project and make room for something new.

William Z. Brennan founder of Desert Mountain Apothecary La Jolla San Diego California - Author of Natural Lifestyle Optimization

Here’s what I’m doing to get back on track/ How to get the most out of restarting your wellness journey:


Establish/ Re-establish a routine – Remove decision making fatigue – harness the power of incremental but continuous progress towards a goal.


Be more regimented – Say Yes to your routine, say No to unimportant invitations and distractions.


Make a Visual List – Seeing is believing! When you can see what you have done, it motivates you to do more.


Better Input - Intake better, inspirational, positive information.


Cut off negative information sources – Be objective and take a break from any tv series, social media feed, podcast, website, or person, who is feeding you a steady diet of negative, and distressing information.


Captain’s Log - Keep a written daily journal to evaluate feedback and progress. Make data informed decisions! Better input better output.


William Z. Brennan founder of Desert Mountain Apothecary La Jolla California San Diego - Author of Natural Lifestyle Optimization

Just like a mighty oak tree grows from a tiny acorn that fits in the palm of your hand, your spiritual and wellness transformation can start from the smallest action, so start small and start now because you are worth it.

Sunset La Jolla San Diego Southern California - William Z. Brennan founder Desert Mountain Apothecary author of Natural Lifestyle Optimization - Siphon Draw - Desert Roots - Mountain Botanicals - Grateful - Desert Apothecary

Thank you.


I’m William Z. Brennan, founder of Desert Mountain Apothecary and author of upcoming e-book Natural Lifestyle Optimization 


You are enough, you matter, and you are the light that illuminates the world, so shine bright, and be a beacon of good in the world, we need more of them.


Desert Mountain Apothecary by William Z. Brennan - Desert Wild - Desert Roots - Siphon Draw - Mountain Botanicals - Thoughtful Superstition

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