Journal — Media

Return to Bellport… Again – East End Long Island Summer Supreme Ocean Beach Adventure

activities beach Beauty Coast goals Gratitude Healthy Living landscape Lifestyle Love Media Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living travel

Return to Bellport… Again – East End Long Island Summer Supreme Ocean Beach Adventure

Return to Bellport… Again – East End Long Island Summer Supreme Ocean Beach Adventure.  Fire Island ocean beach, supreme summer travel adventure, & a cozy boho-chic beach town tour, let’s hit the road for this video and visit Bellport, Long Island.




Desert Supreme Wild Siphon Rancho Wandering Sonoran Two Bunch Mountain Botanicals Roots Grateful Thoughtful Relaxo Palms 

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Cozy, Soothing, Uplifting TV Show Recommendations!

activities anxiety Desert Lifestyle Desert Living Lifestyle Media Mental Attitude mindfulness TV

Cozy, Soothing, Uplifting TV Show Recommendations


Thank you for joining me for my favorite TV show recommendations. These are mostly period pieces, and a great escape from the gloomy news, and horrifying commercials that they play on the TV now. I love watching historical period dramas and comedies because they transport me to another day and age, and I get just as much enjoyment watching the costumes, set décor, and filming locations as the acting itself.

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Birds-Eye View of Hollywood and Today’s Epidemic of Body Dysmorphia Disorder.

Beauty Body Dysmorphia Disorder Cosmetic Procedures Cosmetic Surgery Lifestyle Los Angeles Media Mental Attitude Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare Plastic Surgery

Birds-Eye View of Hollywood and Today’s Epidemic of Body Dysmorphia Disorder.

Why is it that some people are happy with their appearance and other people fall down the rabbit hole of body dysmorphia and cosmetic procedures?

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