
Desert Apothecary for Mind Body & Spirit: Desert Mountain Botanical Anti-Aging Skincare & Natural Fragrance – Desert Mountain Apothecary was created by Natural Lifestyle Expert William Z. Brennan and the inventor of Natural Lifestyle Optimization.

Desert Mountain Apothecary - William Z. Brennan - Desert Apothecary - Desert Mountain Botanicals

About Desert Mountain Apothecary:

Desert Mountain Apothecary was founded by William Z. Brennan in 2016 in order to create natural, plant-based skincare, anti-aging treatments, and natural fragrance for you. After learning about the long term dangers of many common cosmetics and fragrance ingredients, Will set out to offer products that were both effective and transformative to your appearance, and also healthy for your skin and body. No longer do you need to make a choice between getting an amazing radiant glow to your skin, or enjoying a beautiful fragrance, and damaging your overall health. That is simply a false choice that is best left in another age.


Botanical Minimalism: The reason that my products work is because they are made with very minimal and stripped down ingredients that are 100% botanical, plant-based, natural-source materials. Rather than take the approach of everything but the kitchen sink like many natural skincare formulators do, Will chose just the right few ingredients that together create a synergy that allows your skin to regenerate, heal, and radiate beauty like you never believed possible before.

Desert Mountain Apothecary offers hand-made, natural cosmetics made from the finest, purest natural ingredients - rosewater, moisturizing oils, butters, and natural fragrance – that result in a glowing, hydrated face, soft hands and feet, strong nails, supple cuticles, and healthy, shiny hair.

When you step away from typical mass-produced cosmetics, a whole world of natural-source products that for the most part existed before modern beauty and skincare regimens opens up to you.  Long before the invention of the modern drugstore, apothecaries dispensed creams, salves, oils, tinctures, and hydrosol waters, and in many ways those simply formulated products were superior than even the most astronomically priced skincare now peddled to us in department stores.  Once I stopped using traditional skincare products with their preservatives, dyes, artificial fragrances, and artificial chemical active ingredients, and began a regimen of simple, natural products, I finally at long last had the complexion, hair, and skin that I had always wanted.  

I’ve always believed that you are at your best when you believe you look your best. Armed with degrees in fashion design and economics, I explored the worlds of custom menswear, custom perfumes and internationally sold high-end spa products. Through these experiences I came to understand that the true foundation of style is focusing on one’s natural assets and taking proper care of them. That’s why I encourage everyone to try a regimen of rosewater after cleansing, a moisturizing oil, followed by daily sunscreen use during the day, and then the same routine in the evening with a regenerative, anti-aging oil.  

Without harsh ingredients, artificial fragrances, and preservatives that strip the skin of its natural moisture barrier and irritate the skin, the skin's potential for radiance and softness is unleashed.  Go ahead today and take the first step toward a luminous, natural beauty that doesn't come at a cost to your overall health. On the contrary, it will reveal the beauty you know is there.

Desert Apothecary founder William Z. Brennan - Desert Mountain Apothecary - Desert Mountain Botanicals

About William Z. Brennan:


William Z. Brennan is a natural lifestyle expert based in the Coachella Valley. With a background in fashion and beauty, Will Brennan has always sought to elevate the human experience through beauty. As time went on, focusing solely on the outer self of a person wasn’t enough. Through fashion and beauty it’s possible to completely transform a person, and not only that transform the way the world treats and regards someone. Too many times though, the person on the receiving end of the stylish transformation felt even worse once they attained their goal. That’s when Will realized that the real, lasting transformation all actually had to occur psychologically and emotionally. That is how Natural Lifestyle Optimization came to be, to truly help the world love themselves and dramatically increase their enjoyment of living and actually improve the experience of consciousness itself.  


William Z. Brennan creator of Natural Lifestyle Optimization - Desert Mountain Apothecary - Desert Apothecary - Desert Mountain Botanicals

About Natural Lifestyle Optimization:

 Natural Lifestyle Optimization was created by William Z Brennan to bridge the gap between desiring wellness, happiness, health, and radiant beauty and making those goals inevitable and automatic. By harnessing the transformative power of routines and habits, you can realistically transform your mind, body, and spirit. We are created by and part of nature, so by embracing a natural lifestyle, and cultivating balance with nature, we can tune into the inspiration and new and better ways of living.


All the best,

William Z. Brennan

Founder of Desert Mountain Apothecary & creator of Natural Lifestyle Optimization