Journal — pet safety

Natural Products - Vision 2020 Video - 6 of 12

anti-aging Appearance Beauty Body Dysmorphia Disorder Cosmetic Procedures Cosmetic Surgery Hair Styling Haircare Healthy Living men's skincare Natural Beauty Natural Haircare Natural Skincare pet safety SelfCare skincare snake oil sun safety wellbeing wellness

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How to Survive an Extreme Heat Wave.

cat safety Desert Lifestyle Desert Living dog safety Heat pet safety Pets Safety Southwest Summer

How to Survive an Extreme Heat Wave.

With the scorching heat wave upon us in the American Southwest desert-dwellers pay the price for the near-perfect weather we enjoy the rest of the year. It’s possible to survive this sort of heat, but it’s essential to recognize it for the potential threat that it is and adapt accordingly.

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Essential Oils and Pet Safety

cat safety cats dog safety dogs essential oils pet safety pets pseudoscience snake oil

Essential Oils and Pet Safety

Picture this: You splurged on a natural essential oil reed fragrance diffuser over the weekend and on Monday you come home from work and the scent is much stronger than you expected. Upon entering, you can hear your dog barking and whimpering in pain. While you were at work, your dog has knocked the diffuser over onto the floor, and rolled around in the oil, and is covered in severe burns all over it’s skin. You carry it into the bathtub and try to wash off the oil only to have the burns get worse, and you despair as your...

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