Journal — tech

Vision 2020 - How to make Goals & Resolutions Stick

anti-aging anxiety Appearance aromatherapy Beauty Diet Exercise food goals Gratitude habits Healthy Living Hydration Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare newyearsresolutions nutrition Organization resolutions routines SelfCare skincare Sleep sports tech weightloss wellbeing wellness

Goals & Resolutions are probably something you make and break every year.  You can know the what and why of your resolutions but they're doomed to fail without a how.  Natural Lifestyle Optimization is that how, and in my video series Vision 2020 I go in-depth into the tools, habits, and routines

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Screens Cause Insomnia - Tech & Sleep

anti-aging anxiety Appearance Beauty habits Healthy Living insomnia Lifestyle Natural Beauty Natural Living newyears2019 newyearsresolutions Sleep tech

Screens Cause Insomnia - Tech & Sleep

Insomnia:  about 30% of Americans suffer from it, and 68% of adults 18-29 experience it?  How is tech and screens in particular exacerbating insomnia and anxiety in our culture?  How can we stop it?  Sleep is so important, truly critical for good health and not to mention appearance, what can we do to fight the tide of technology induced insomnia?

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