Journal — nutrition

How To Get Through the Holiday Season With Your Mind, Body & Spirit Intact - this might be your most enjoyable holiday season yet!

anxiety Celebration christmas Codependency DeClutter Exercise Fall Healthy Living holiday Holidays Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Lifestyle Optimization Natural Living nutrition Organization routines Seasons Greetings SelfCare Spiritual Transformation Thanksgiving Transformation Transformational Breakthrough weightloss wellbeing wellness

How To Get Through the Holiday Season With Your Mind, Body & Spirit Intact - this might be your most enjoyable holiday season yet!

How To Get Through the Holiday Season With Your Mind, Body & Spirit Intact - this might be your most enjoyable holiday season yet! - Tips for Mindfully Enjoying the Holidays This Year: How to have a mindful and joyful holiday season.  Seasonal affective disorder, depression, anxiety, loneliness, mindfulness, meditation, natural lifestyle, personal development, and so much more, so let's get right into it!

Have a Mindful & Joyful Holiday Season This Year!


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Natural Lifestyle Optimization: We Need You More Than Ever

Gratitude habits Healthy Living holiday Holidays Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Lifestyle Optimization Natural Living nutrition Organization routines SelfCare Transformation Transformational Breakthrough weightloss wellbeing wellness

Natural Lifestyle Optimization: We Need You More Than Ever

Reflecting on the past ten years of Desert Mountain Apothecary in the social media landscape, how the changes in technology, platforms, and aesthetics have shaped the different chapters of my content. Challenging myself to learn how to create video content has been a long battle with a steep learning curve, and in those years I’ve gone through several different iterations of video styles and subjects. One thing that I think rings true from all of my videos is that they all showcase a deep and sincere love of nature, and I’m so grateful to share that with you with Desert Mountain Apothecary. Circling back to an earlier project, I’m reactivating Natural Lifestyle Optimization, which is a method for creating lasting transformational change in your life by harnessing the power of the mind, body, and spirit. Please join me on this inspiring journey of discovery deep into the subconscious where we use micro-habits to improve all aspects of life without making drastic changes. So I hope you enjoy this expansive look back at this fascinating experiment, my calling to re-start Natural Lifestyle Optimization, and some helpful advice for finishing out 2024 and the holiday season.

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Stop Seeking and Start Creating in 2023: New Year Inspirational Message

Celebration Charity christmas Desert Apothecary Desert Lifestyle Desert Living Exercise GivingBack goals Gratitude habits Healthy Living Lifestyle Love meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Lifestyle Optimization Natural Living newyear newyears newyearsresolutions nutrition resolutions routines Spiritual Transformation Transformation Transformational Breakthrough weightloss wellbeing wellness Winter Season

Stop Seeking and Start Creating in 2023: New Year Inspirational Message

Happy New Year from Desert Mountain Apothecary! It’s been a supremely beautiful holiday season here in the California Desert, with wild winter weather, great food, and a siphon’s draw or two of fine spirits. Some years I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions, but this year I’m brimming with them, and most of them are about keeping up with the basics, but some are about new experiences.

New Years 2023 Inspirational Message – by William Z. Brennan Desert Apothecary Palms Supreme Wild Siphon Mojave Roots Draw Relaxo Moon Botanicals Snake Vine Grateful Rancho Two Bunch Wicked

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Autumn Inspirational Message From The Jersey Shore! - GTL

anxiety Autumn beach East Coast Exercise Fall GivingBack goals Gratitude habits Healthy Living Jersey Shore Lifestyle Love meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Lifestyle Optimization Natural Living nutrition SelfCare Sleep Transformation Transformational Breakthrough weightloss wellbeing wellness

Autumn Inspirational Message From The Jersey Shore! - GTL

You may have heard of GTL, gym, tanning, and laundry, but as we transition to Fall 2022 and Winter 2023, here’s a new version of GTL for Autumn 2022.

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Re-Renewing Your Spirit: Short Version

activities anxiety Appearance beach Dehydration Diet Exercise food goals Gratitude habits Healthy Living Hydration insomnia isolation Lifestyle Love meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living nutrition Organization Relationships routines SelfCare Sleep Spiritual Transformation sunset Transformational Breakthrough weightloss wellbeing wellness

Re-Renewing Your Spirit: Short Version

I wrote a new article just for you called Re-Renewing Your Spirit, it’s about getting back on the wellness path after falling off.  Resiliency and adaptability are the two most important make or break skills to have, and I want you to have more and better tools to hone those skills.  There’s always going to be something in the external world to push us off the path towards wellness and spiritual renewal, that’s why it’s so important to focus on learning how to get yourself back on track.

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