Journal — SelfCare

Choice - Vision 2020 Video - 11 of 12

anti-aging anxiety Exercise food goals Gratitude Healthy Living Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare newyearsresolutions nutrition Organization resolutions routines SelfCare weightloss wellbeing wellness

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You Are Enough - Vision 2020 Video - 10 of 12

anti-aging anxiety Appearance Beauty Codependency goals Gratitude insomnia Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living resolutions routines SelfCare weightloss wellbeing wellness

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Meditation - Vision 2020 Video - 9 of 12

anxiety goals Gratitude habits horse riding insomnia Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Living newyearsresolutions resolutions Safety SelfCare weightloss wellbeing wellness

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DeCluttering - Vision 2020 Video - 8 of 12

anxiety Charity DeClutter Lifestyle Mental Attitude mindfulness routines SelfCare wellbeing wellness

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Routines - Vision 2020 Video - 7 of 12

goals Healthy Living Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness newyearsresolutions Organization resolutions routines SelfCare wellbeing wellness

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