Journal — wellness

Routines - Vision 2020 Video - 7 of 12

goals Healthy Living Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness newyearsresolutions Organization resolutions routines SelfCare wellbeing wellness

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Natural Products - Vision 2020 Video - 6 of 12

anti-aging Appearance Beauty Body Dysmorphia Disorder Cosmetic Procedures Cosmetic Surgery Hair Styling Haircare Healthy Living men's skincare Natural Beauty Natural Haircare Natural Skincare pet safety SelfCare skincare snake oil sun safety wellbeing wellness

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Nutrition & Food Addiction - Vision 2020 Video - 4 of 12

Appearance Beauty Body Dysmorphia Disorder food goals habits Healthy Living Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living newyearsresolutions routines SelfCare weightloss wellbeing wellness

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Hydration - Vision 2020 Video - 3 of 12

Appearance Beauty goals habits Healthy Living Hydration Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare resolutions routines SelfCare skincare Summer weightloss wellbeing wellness

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Sleep - Vision 2020 Video - 2 of 12

anxiety Healthy Living insomnia Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Living Natural Skincare Nature wellbeing wellness

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