Journal — Healthy Living

Screens Cause Insomnia - Tech & Sleep

anti-aging anxiety Appearance Beauty habits Healthy Living insomnia Lifestyle Natural Beauty Natural Living newyears2019 newyearsresolutions Sleep tech

Screens Cause Insomnia - Tech & Sleep

Insomnia:  about 30% of Americans suffer from it, and 68% of adults 18-29 experience it?  How is tech and screens in particular exacerbating insomnia and anxiety in our culture?  How can we stop it?  Sleep is so important, truly critical for good health and not to mention appearance, what can we do to fight the tide of technology induced insomnia?

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Beauty Sleep - Anti-Aging Power of Deep Sleep

anti-aging Appearance Beauty habits Healthy Living Lifestyle Natural Beauty Natural Living newyears2019 newyearsresolutions Sleep

Beauty Sleep - Anti-Aging Power of Deep Sleep

Beauty Sleep: It's called that for a reason!  Deep restful, restorative sleep may be the most anti-aging, beauty enhancing, life-improving activity we ever do in our lives.  Why is sleep so important?  What is happening to our body when we are sleeping?  What is the effect of chronic exhaustion and sleep deprivation?

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Hydration & Appearance - Avoiding Dehydration

anti-aging Appearance Beauty Desert Lifestyle Desert Living habits Healthy Living Hydration Lifestyle Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare newyears2019 newyearsresolutions skincare

Hydration & Appearance - Avoiding Dehydration

Chronic Dehydration can wreak havoc on your health & your appearance.  Learn how to stay properly hydrated and avoid chronic dehydration.   This is essential everywhere but especially here in the hot, dry, sunny desert.  

Learn why you need to stay hydrated in order to get the glowing, luminous, radiant skin you have always dreamed of in today's video live on YouTube:  Avoiding Dehydration - Hydration & Appearance

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Lifestyle Factors and Appearance

Appearance Beauty Diet Exercise Healthy Living Hydration Lifestyle Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare Sleep

Lifestyle Factors and Appearance

Lifestyle Factors that have a dramatic effect on your appearance The quality of your skin, hair, eyes, and nails comes mainly from lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep, exercise, and hydration. While you will certainly see an improvement in your looks if you improve the quality of your skincare routine, your appearance is a visible sign of the overall state of your health. Here are the most critical factors that affect your looks: Sleep: Sleep is critical to maintaining your appearance; your skin cells regenerate during deep sleep. Diet: You are what you eat; a healthy diet is the cornerstone...

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