Visit Julian & Santa Ysabel, California With Me! Epic San Diego Backcountry Mountains & Deserts Road Trip!

Anza Borrego Desert california Desert Lifestyle Desert Living Driving getaways Gratitude guys History landscape Love men men's Mountains Natural Beauty Nature san diego San Diego Backcountry Santa Ysabel Southern California travel

Join me and we’ll tour the San Diego Backcountry mountain communities of Julian and Santa Ysabel. We’ll see the rugged Anza Borrego Desert State Park, grassy meadows, lush green valleys, cold snowy pine forests, indulge in some Julian apple goodies, visit a remote 200 year old Spanish Mission, and then drive back down to the desert. 


Thank you so much for joining me today for this drive through the San Diego Backcountry.


William Z. Brennan Julian Santa Ysabel Mission San Diego Backcountry Mountains Driving Tour

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