Cozy, Soothing, Uplifting TV Show Recommendations!

activities anxiety Desert Lifestyle Desert Living Lifestyle Media Mental Attitude mindfulness TV

Cozy, Soothing, Uplifting TV Show Recommendations

Join me for my favorite TV show recommendations. These are mostly period pieces, and a great escape from the gloomy news, and horrifying commercials that they play on the TV now. I love watching historical period dramas and comedies because they transport me to another day and age, and I get just as much enjoyment watching the costumes, set décor, and filming locations as the acting itself.

Here are my favorite TV series that I have watched lately.   Rather than sit glued to the cable news getting more stressed and upset with every passing hour, and sitting through the horrible commercials, all of which want to remind us of exactly what we are striving to forget; that we are sitting at home with nowhere to go.

I love getting lost in a period drama or comedy, thinking back to another day and age, and enjoying the costumes and set design. Many of my recommendations are BBC and Masterpiece Theater period pieces, and based on famous novels, one of which was actually unfinished. As much as I hold the conflicting beliefs that I enjoy watching tv, but I also consider it a waste of time, I am grateful for the distracting blather of the screen more than ever now.

These are mostly period pieces, and a great escape from the gloomy news, and horrifying commercials that they play on the TV now. I love watching historical period dramas and comedies because they transport me to another day and age, and I get just as much enjoyment watching the costumes, set décor, and filming locations as the acting itself.

To me, the worst thing you can do for your overall wellbeing is to watch cable news every night, that is just upsetting you and keeping you in an elevated stress level, which keeps you glued to the news, which keeps the news program’s advertising revenue filling up someone else’s bank account. See the bigger picture, and realize that you need to be the guardian of your subconscious mind, and need to carefully curate and carefully choose what media you do and do not consume.

Even better than watching television if you are feeling stressed or upset is reading, few things are as relaxing than becoming engrossed in a good book, turning one page after another, and making those images and scenes in your mind as you intake the story.  I’m sharing my 10 favorite TV shows to watch that you might not have seen yet. Join me for 10 series that are all uplifting and a great escape from current reality.  I think we deserve a little escapism now and again.


Desert Mountain Apothecary: The Original Desert Apothecary for Mind Body & Spirit: Desert Mountain Botanical Anti-Aging Skincare & Natural Fragrance, by William Z. Brennan


About Desert Mountain Apothecary:

Desert Mountain Apothecary was founded by William Z. Brennan in 2016 in order to create natural, plant-based skincare, anti-aging treatments, and natural fragrance for you. After learning about the long term dangers of many common cosmetics and fragrance ingredients, Will set out to offer products that were both effective and transformative to your appearance, and also healthy for your skin and body. No longer do you need to make a choice between getting an amazing radiant glow to your skin, or enjoying a beautiful fragrance, and damaging your overall health. That is simply a false choice that is best left in another age.


Botanical Minimalism: The reason that my products work is because they are made with very minimal and stripped down ingredients that are 100% botanical, plant-based, natural-source materials. Rather than take the approach of everything but the kitchen sink like many natural skincare formulators do, Will chose just the right few ingredients that together create a synergy that allows your skin to regenerate, heal, and radiate beauty like you never believed possible before.



About William Z. Brennan:


William Z. Brennan is a natural lifestyle expert based in the Coachella Valley. With a background in fashion and beauty, Will Brennan has always sought to elevate the human experience through beauty. As time went on, focusing solely on the outer self of a person wasn’t enough. Through fashion and beauty it’s possible to completely transform a person, and not only that transform the way the world treats and regards someone. Too many times though, the person on the receiving end of the stylish transformation felt even worse once they attained their goal. That’s when Will realized that the real, lasting transformation all actually had to occur psychologically and emotionally. That is how Natural Lifestyle Optimization came to be, to truly help the world love themselves and dramatically increase their enjoyment of living and actually improve the experience of consciousness itself.



About Natural Lifestyle Optimization:


Natural Lifestyle Optimization was created by William Z Brennan to bridge the gap between desiring wellness, happiness, health, and radiant beauty and making those goals inevitable and automatic. By harnessing the transformative power of routines and habits, you can realistically transform your mind, body, and spirit. We are created by and part of nature, so by embracing a natural lifestyle, and cultivating balance with nature, we can tune into the inspiration and new and better ways of living.




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