Quarantine Spring Cleaning: Coronavirus Lockdown Spring Cleaning for Less Anxiety & More Fun

activities anxiety cleaning DeClutter habits Healthy Living isolation Lifestyle lockdown Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Living Organization routines Safety SelfCare wellbeing wellness

Quarantine Spring Cleaning: Coronavirus Lockdown Spring Cleaning Ideas - tips for Spring 2020 cleaning to keep you moving forward and managing anxiety.


Spring is here, and 4 out of 5 Americans find themselves confined to their home. What a strange reality Spring 2020 has brought us. The carefree, optimistic months of January and February now seem years away, and normality seems further away than ever. Keeping your home clean and tidy has taken on an even greater importance now that you can’t leave it for the most part. With a modern day plague sweeping the globe the most important contribution we can give is to maintain order and normality in our little spheres as best we can.


For me that includes keeping my home clean and tidy, and this spring my home can definitely use a Spring Cleaning. Keeping a weekly and daily cleaning routine has helped immensely with spending less time cleaning and never letting the house get too dirty or messy. However with all the desert dust and cat fur there are so many areas that really need extra attention this spring.


In today’s video I suggest cleaning and organizing tasks that are suitable for out quarantine situation and won’t send you venturing out for cleaning supplies. Use what you have!

 William Z. Brennan - Desert Apothecary for Mind Body & Spirit - Spring Cleaning Coronavirus Lockdown - Quarantine Spring Cleaning Ideas

There has never been a more important time to make the best of your home, and truly create a space that nurtures you. I think that is where many people go wrong with their homes, they don’t view them as a vehicle for nurturing and revitalizing themselves. Many people mistakenly choose and design their homes to impress others. It’s a wonderful blessing to have a spacious and grand home, but what about the owner or other occupants? Why not create a home that nurtures YOU?


This is a great occasion to take some time, now that you have it, and arrange your home for this situation. I like to rearrange my home very slightly every season, it gives a renewal to the space, and in each season we live slightly differently, so I like to reflect that in the furniture arrangement, the placement of objects, and which rooms we will be using the most. For example, we don’t use the fireplace and snuggle under blankets in August.

Desert Apothecary for Mind Body & Spirit: William Z Brennan presents Quarantine Spring Cleaning - Coronavirus Lockdown Spring Cleaning Ideas

Keeping your home clean has never been more essential than now when you can’t leave it. A messy home will be just unbearable to be trapped in, and cleaning and organizing are very soothing activities for frayed nerves. It’s uncanny how when a house is cleaned and tidied its stress level goes way down. People are often unconscious to how much their surroundings affect them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t taking a large negative toll on their emotional and psychological states.


At this time of never-ending fear and panic, keeping a clean home, tidying, organizing, de-cluttering, and arranging your home pleasingly for how you are living at this time is going to make a huge impact towards maintaining stability. Remember when you can remain calm, you can be a pillar of strength to those around you. This is the time when self-care and lifestyle routines are more important than ever, and they are lifelines to your sanity. So when you clean and tidy your home, remember you aren’t just executing those tasks, you are spending your time and effort and buying your sanity. Probably the best purchase you will ever make!


Desert Apothecary for Mind Body & Spirit - Desert Mountain Botanical Lifestyle - William Z. Brennan - Coronavirus Quarantine Spring Cleaning Ideas - Lockdown Spring Cleaning

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