Journal — Nature

Palos Verdes Panoramic Views - Thanksgiving 2019 on the Coast

beach Beauty california Celebration Coast events getaways Healthy Living holiday Lifestyle Los Angeles mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living Nature sunset Thanksgiving travel Winter Season

Thanksgiving this year was one for the books, we traveled to the cold and wet coast for a special celebration with close family friends.  Palos Verdes provided incredible winter skies and sunsets for those brave enough to go out in the cold.  


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White Point Garden, Historic Architecture & The Southern Verandah

Lifestyle Natural Beauty Nature Summer travel

White Point Garden, Historic Architecture & The Southern Verandah

Historic Charleston architecture, white point garden, and learn the history of the most Southern architectural feature of all: the glorious verandah.  

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Angel Oak Tree - South Carolina Low-Country

Beauty Lifestyle Natural Living Nature travel

Angel Oak Tree - South Carolina Low-Country

The Angel Oak Tree on Johns Island in South Carolina is a truly magnificent living being to behold.  Estimated to be between 400-500 years old, this Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) has become a tourist magnet in recent years and it's easy to see why.  The towering branches create an entire world within itself that is breathtaking to behold and inspires wonder in children and adults alike.

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