Weight Lost - Audio Journal

Weight loss and natural living, why is losing weight so hard for some people to lose weight when the act of losing weight is simply by my standards, "remaining in caloric deficit for the duration of time until a healthy weight is achieved."  I delve deep into the core issue that holds people from losing weight, then I discredit the 3 biggest fallacies about weight loss, and I give my advice for using the biggest weapon in your arsenal that you probably aren't using for the goal of weight loss.  My advice on weight loss is worth listening to because I love to eat.  No matter how much I strive to live simply and naturally food is one of my top 3 favorite things in life, and frankly a life without pizza and barbecue is just not worth living for me, so my weight loss strategy takes into account that you still want to intermittently eat your favorite foods and how to account for that over the long term.  If and when the nuclear apocalypse happens I'm going to be reviewing my fond memories of sunbathing, drinking champagne, and eating mesquite-smoked ribs in my last seconds, not how much kale and quinoa I eat, which is plenty.  

"Diet starts tomorrow!" the entire United States and Americans around the world will be saying today as the tuck into one of the biggest meals of the year; Thanksgiving.  I am trying out a new format after an incredibly thought provoking youtube video making the case that text based blogs and articles are well and truly a thing of the past and that audio and video are the best methods for sharing information both for the end user and the creator.  Although I am a holdout from another era who loves to read, I still enjoy hearing a person's voice and watching their facial expressions and intonations as they relay information.  So in light of this I have met current day's technology somewhere in the middle and recorded a 30 minute, "voice blog" or as I have settled on, "audio journal".  If this format seems something worth continuing I will sign up for podcast hosting and add them onto itunes and the ovarious other podcast platforms.  For now, they are available on youtube.  Youtube is my favorite social media platform and I think more personal and positive than others which seem to be reflecting the absolute worst of us as human beings.  

As someone promoting a business social media is a must, but my biggest advice to everyone this Thanksgiving is to give it up or only minimally interact with it.  I honestly think that the recent studies showing damage to children't development and mental illness in adults is just the tip of the iceberg.  This is all in the name of taking care of yourself, taking care of your physical body, your mind, brain, and spirit.  We don't know what the future holds, but we need to be in the strongest and most able physical condition to face it.  Please listen to my audio journal and I hope you feel empowered by its message. 

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