Tips for Rejuvenating Tired Skin:

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Desert Mountain Apothecary Natural anti-aging, plant-based anti-aging, natural skincare, natural skin rejuvenation

Learn about how natural anti-aging skincare and lifestyle optimization can dramatically improve your looks. Plant-based anti-aging skincare and a natural anti-aging lifestyle are the viable alternative to expensive and harmful procedures and treatments that have become the norm in many communities. Much money is spent, much pain is endured, but can the artificial result ever compare to the radiant glow of a healthy body in balance and a spirit at peace? Here are my tips for natural skincare treatments, lifestyle changes, and a couple simple quick fixes that will show a dramatic improvement in your looks.


Rosewater, natural anti-aging treatment, desert mountain apothecary 

1: Rosewater: The greatest secret weapon in skin rejuvenation.

Rosewater is an essential tool in the skin rejuvenation arsenal. Not only does it help your skincare products absorb into the skin and be more effective, but on it’s own it has powerful anti-aging properties. Immediately upon application rosewater balances the ph of the skin. This is important because the oil glands of the skin communicate whether to produce oil or not by the ph of the skin. Water is a different ph than the skin is naturally, so the mildly acidic ph of rosewater sends the signal to the skin that is has the perfect amount of moisture, and not to over or under produce. This leads to a stronger moisture barrier, and the skin is able to retain moisture much better resulting in a luscious glow.

In terms of anti-aging rosewater stimulates the skin cells to gently regenerate in a way that is not irritating, and is an effective way to combat both blemishes and wrinkles. It truly seems like we should either have to deal with one of those issues or the other, but not both, however many of us need products that will both treat acne and have anti-aging properties. Rosewater has a huge effect on the texture of the skin, shrinking pores and giving your complexion a radiant luster.

Anti-aging moisturizing oil, plant-based natural anti-aging desert mountain apothecary

2: Use a moisturizing oil vs a cream: It’s very counter-intuitive to most of us to put oil on our faces, because for most of our lives we’ve been told that oil will clog our pores and to steer clear. However true that is for petroleum-derived oils like mineral oil, that is simply not the case for carefully selected plant oils, and the most successful ones mimic the same texture and consistency of the skin’s natural oil. That’s why when you apply a moisturizing oil to your wet skin, you will be shocked by how much will be absorbed and in such a short amount of time. Particularly in dry air, whether it’s the desert or a heated home in the cold winter, the moisturizing oil is able to penetrate much more deeply into the skin and be retained than a traditional cream. In addition to that, moisturizing oils can be made in healthier and more natural formulations since they do not immediately start rotting like a cream does. That is why the conventional creams and lotions are so full of artificial preservatives, and many of those have been proven to be both carcinogenic and hormone disrupting.

natural anti-aging skincare, natural plant-based anti-aging treatments, desert mountain apothecary

3: Resurfacing without harm: Choose products that resurface the skin, increase collagen production, and regenerate skin cells naturally without chemical acids that can cause increased skin cancer risk and irritation. In order to stimulate skin rejuvenation from the outside, the skin needs to be gently resurfaced, and the collagen structures need to be gently stimulated to regenerate. The two best treatments for these objectives are cold-pressed, unrefined Argan oil, and Rosehip seed oil. When I finally found these two oils in an unrefined, unfiltered, and never-heated form I was shocked to be able to obtain results consistent with glycolic acid, and retinol without all of the irritation, redness, and skin cancer risk. What’s important to note though, is that these oils are so strong, and so powerful that they should not be used in their full strength except as a serum, because they can also cause irritation and sensitivity in large doses. Both of these oils are diluted in their ideal concentration in Awakening and Repose oils, the difference between the two being that Repose contains rosehip seed oil and argan oil, and Awakening only argan oil. Rosehip seed oil does create a slight sun sensitivity and for that reason I recommend only using it at night and daily sunscreen use, which I advocate anyway.

botanical anti-aging skincare treatments, natural anti-aging skincare, plant-based natural skincare desert mountain apothecary

4: Use a Bentonite Clay Mask Weekly: for fine line reduction, softening, tightening, lifting, better skin texture. Bentonite clay is the holy grail of facial treatments, and anyone who has the better part of an hour can do it before showering and see a noticeable difference by the next day. It’s not only those who can afford to visit a spa or esthetician for a pricey facial that can reap the anti-aging benefits of a facial. A bentonite clay mask will soften the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lessen hyper-pigmentation, heal ingrown hairs, heal acne, but most importantly it will tighten your skin, and lift your facial features. When you keep the mask on until completely dry, it will shrink rather dramatically and you will feel your whole face and neck undulate with your pulse. Excess fluid is drained out of the skin, and the collagen structures are stimulated to tighten and plump.   Bentonite clay masks are so effective, and so affordable that everyone can enjoy a weekly facial in the comfort of their home. Bentonite clay causes your skin to turn red for several hours after use, so it’s important to never use it before an important event, but rather the day or night before.

natural anti-aging skincare, plant-based natural skincare, botanical anti-aging skincare desert mountain apothecary

5: Get A Good Night’s Sleep. If you aren’t getting quality sleep, actively improve the factors in your habits, schedule, and bedroom through something called sleep hygiene. Doing some research into sleep hygiene, it’s very similar to getting a baby to sleep

natural anti-aging skincare, desert mountain apothecary, botanical anti-aging skincare, plant-based natural anti-aging skincare

6: Cut Down On Alcohol, especially liquor. Alcohol both dehydrates the skin, causing an estimated 10 years of aging compared to someone who doesn’t drink over a 20-30 year time frame. It also inflames the tissue, and systemic inflammation from drinking can cause a histamine reaction that causes the classic red-face that many drinkers have.

botanical anti-aging skincare treatments, natural anti-aging skincare, plant-based anti-aging skincare treatments, desert mountain apothecary

7: Quit Smoking Cigarettes: once and for all, even a few cigarettes here and there can add up to a lot of damage to your skin, not to mention your insides.

natural anti-aging skincare, plant-based anti-aging skincare treatments, botanical anti-aging skincare, desert mountain apothecary

8: Eat a Clean, Nutritious Diet: rich in healthy fats and give your body the nutrients it needs to regenerate your skin cells. You are what you eat, so if you want to be juicy, glowing, radiant and in the peak of health, then you are going to have to give your body the building blocks of your renewed skin cells and muscle tissue through nutrition.   Eating a diet that is mostly plant-based, supplemented with healthy fats and lean proteins will quickly bring a glow to a dull face. The body’s capacity for renewal and rejuvenation is inspiring, and seeing the improvement in looks and vigor makes it easy to make those lifestyle changes and life-long choice.

anti-aging skincare natural botanical plant-based anti-aging skincare treatments and skincare desert mountain apothecary 

9: Exercise Regularly: exercise makes skin cells and muscle tissue stay younger. Start at whatever level you are at, and try different exercise methods or sports until you find something you like enough to stick with. Even just walking daily will be a huge improvement compared to being sedentary.

natural anti-aging skincare treatments, botanical anti-aging skincare treatments, healthy plant-based skincare, desert mountain apothecary

10: How You Touch Your Face and Neck: Your hands can massage and tone your skin or they can damage and exacerbate the signs of aging through pulling, tugging, and rubbing. Treat your face and neck like the finest silk scarf that you could ever buy and only ever tough your face gently and in an upwards motion. When you apply product, or massage your skin, touch it so gently that you don’t move the skin under your fingers. Just glide over it, and always in an upward motion. Pulling and tugging at the corners of your face to see what you would look like with a surgical lift is just about the worst thing you can do to your skin, and it stretches out the skin making loose folds and wrinkles where you otherwise wouldn’t have them. Barring a complete face transplant, you’re only going to get one face for life, so treat it like it’s the only one you’ve got.

natural anti-aging skincare treatments, plant-based anti-aging skincare treatments, botanical anti-aging skincare treatments, desert mountain apothecary 

Live a healthy lifestyle every day: get a good night’s sleep, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, and eat a clean natural diet and you will see a younger, rejuvenated you in the mirror. Add in natural, plant-based skincare and you’ll see a radiant glow that you can’t buy in any plastic surgeon’s office.



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