Let’s Travel to New York City And Eastern Long Island! New YouTube Video! Pandemic Family Reunion

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New York City & Eastern Long Island Travelogue Tour - Pandemic Family Reunion - Explore My Latino Roots.

Join me as I return to my hometown of New York and reunite with my family for the first time since the Pandemic began. The California desert is my adopted home, but I’m originally from New York, and I’m eager to see how the city and Long Island have changed since the pandemic.   Being able to spend time with my 96-year-old grandmother, and visit with my best friends is an immense joy after the strain and isolation of lockdown.


Join me for my Return to New York! Let’s Travel to New York City And Eastern Long Island.


William Z. Brennan founder of The Original Desert Apothecary - Desert Roots Apothecary Fragrance Spray Creator - Desert Mountain Apothecary

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