Journal — skincare

Vision 2020 - How to make Goals & Resolutions Stick

anti-aging anxiety Appearance aromatherapy Beauty Diet Exercise food goals Gratitude habits Healthy Living Hydration Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare newyearsresolutions nutrition Organization resolutions routines SelfCare skincare Sleep sports tech weightloss wellbeing wellness

Goals & Resolutions are probably something you make and break every year.  You can know the what and why of your resolutions but they're doomed to fail without a how.  Natural Lifestyle Optimization is that how, and in my video series Vision 2020 I go in-depth into the tools, habits, and routines

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Skincare Challenges? What Are Your Skincare Challenges?

anti-aging Appearance Beauty habits men's skincare Natural Beauty Natural Skincare skincare

Skincare Challenges?  What Are Your Skincare Challenges?

Skincare Challenges?  What are the skincare challenges you are facing?  Participate in my Instagram Stories Pools this week to make your voice heard!

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Why Natural Skincare? - Full Video

anti-aging Appearance Beauty habits men's skincare Natural Beauty Natural Skincare skincare

Why Natural Skincare? - Full Video

The Risks of Conventional Skincare:  Do you know the various risks and damage caused by conventional skincare?  Save your skin and possibly save your entire health by making the permanent switch to natural, plant-based holistic skincare, haircare, fragrance, cosmetics, and cleaners.     You owe it to yourself and your family to choose safe, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic natural products. Learn more in today's video: Why Natural Skincare?  Available on YouTube

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Eliminating Insomnia Triggers In The Bedroom

anti-aging anxiety Appearance habits Healthy Living insomnia Lifestyle Natural Living newyears2019 newyearsresolutions skincare Sleep

Eliminating Insomnia Triggers In The Bedroom

Eliminating Insomnia Triggers In The Bedroom: What quality sleep are you getting in your bedroom every night?  We spend the most hours of any place in our home in our bedroom sleeping.  Why should we neglect this space and the most powerful healing activity we every do which is deep restorative sleep.

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Hydration & Appearance - Avoiding Dehydration

anti-aging Appearance Beauty Desert Lifestyle Desert Living habits Healthy Living Hydration Lifestyle Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare newyears2019 newyearsresolutions skincare

Hydration & Appearance - Avoiding Dehydration

Chronic Dehydration can wreak havoc on your health & your appearance.  Learn how to stay properly hydrated and avoid chronic dehydration.   This is essential everywhere but especially here in the hot, dry, sunny desert.  

Learn why you need to stay hydrated in order to get the glowing, luminous, radiant skin you have always dreamed of in today's video live on YouTube:  Avoiding Dehydration - Hydration & Appearance

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