Journal — Safety

Coronavirus - Unprecedented Anxiety & Chaos - Natural Lifestyle Optimization in age of Pandemic

anxiety DeClutter goals habits Healthy Living insomnia Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Living Organization routines Safety SelfCare wellbeing wellness

Coronavirus - Unprecedented Anxiety & Chaos - Natural Lifestyle Optimization in age of Pandemic

We are living in extraordinary and unprecedented times.  A modern day plague is sweeping the globe at the speed of contemporary travel and interconnectedness.  Panic and hysteria are widespread, particularly in the United States, and sadly an equally large reaction of nonchalance and a cavalier attitude are just as prevalent.  Both sadden me, and my anxiety is at an all time high.  

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Meditation - Vision 2020 Video - 9 of 12

anxiety goals Gratitude habits horse riding insomnia Lifestyle meditation Mental Attitude mindfulness Natural Living newyearsresolutions resolutions Safety SelfCare weightloss wellbeing wellness

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Shelter from the Storm, Palm Desert - Victims of Domestic Violence

Abuse california Celebration Charity christmas coachella valley Codependency Desert Lifestyle Desert Living events GivingBack goals Gratitude holiday indian wells Lifestyle Mental Attitude mindfulness Safety Winter Season

Shelter from the Storm in Palm Desert, California is an incredible organization that provides comprehensive care and most importantly emergency shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. 

Please support this amazingly worthy endeavor, they are always accepting donations, money can be donated on their website: 

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Aromatherapy: Benefits of Aromatherapy - Power of Essential Oils

anxiety aromatherapy cat safety dog safety essential oils habits insomnia Lifestyle Natural Living Safety

Aromatherapy: Benefits of Aromatherapy - Power of Essential Oils

Aromatherapy: Essential Oil Powered Healing.  The benefits of Aromatherapy are powerful and real, but how do you separate the snake oil, from the pure natural essential oil, metaphorically speaking?  Learn today what the benefits and limitations of aromatherapy are, and how you can use aromatherapy safely to alleviate such chronic conditions as anxiety and insomnia.

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How to Survive an Extreme Heat Wave.

cat safety Desert Lifestyle Desert Living dog safety Heat pet safety Pets Safety Southwest Summer

How to Survive an Extreme Heat Wave.

With the scorching heat wave upon us in the American Southwest desert-dwellers pay the price for the near-perfect weather we enjoy the rest of the year. It’s possible to survive this sort of heat, but it’s essential to recognize it for the potential threat that it is and adapt accordingly.

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