Journal — Desert Lifestyle

Hydration & Appearance - Avoiding Dehydration

anti-aging Appearance Beauty Desert Lifestyle Desert Living habits Healthy Living Hydration Lifestyle Natural Beauty Natural Living Natural Skincare newyears2019 newyearsresolutions skincare

Hydration & Appearance - Avoiding Dehydration

Chronic Dehydration can wreak havoc on your health & your appearance.  Learn how to stay properly hydrated and avoid chronic dehydration.   This is essential everywhere but especially here in the hot, dry, sunny desert.  

Learn why you need to stay hydrated in order to get the glowing, luminous, radiant skin you have always dreamed of in today's video live on YouTube:  Avoiding Dehydration - Hydration & Appearance

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Decorate with Me - Christmas 2018 - Full Length Video

california christmas christmas 2018 Desert Lifestyle Desert Living holiday ranchosantafe

Decorate with Me - Christmas 2018 - Full Length Video

This Christmas 2018 Season, decorate with me, and learn about the difference between traditional East Coast and California Christmas decorations and traditions.  I discuss the biblical history of Christmas vs, our Germanic and Scandinavian christmas traditions.  My Christmas Decorations were inspired by the historic Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, in Rancho Santa Fe, California.  Share this most joyous Christmas season with me!

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How to Survive an Extreme Heat Wave.

cat safety Desert Lifestyle Desert Living dog safety Heat pet safety Pets Safety Southwest Summer

How to Survive an Extreme Heat Wave.

With the scorching heat wave upon us in the American Southwest desert-dwellers pay the price for the near-perfect weather we enjoy the rest of the year. It’s possible to survive this sort of heat, but it’s essential to recognize it for the potential threat that it is and adapt accordingly.

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5 Tips For Enjoying the BNP Parisbas Open at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden

Desert Lifestyle Desert Living events indian wells sports sun safety tennis

5 Tips For Enjoying the BNP Parisbas Open at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden

5 tips for enjoying the BNP Paribas Open at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden this year.  Find out what you need to know to get the most out of Indian Well's biggest event of the year. Sun safety, hydration, the desert's unpredictable and story spring weather, and how to get there are all broken down to make this your best Indian Wells Tennis year yet.

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